
Language : English / Norwegian


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h44min


Genre : Fantasy / Action


Cast : Nat Wolff, Iben Akerlie



A young man lives off the grid,like a homeless,and has dreams at night which give him burns and burns everything around him.


He ends up in police custody after a group of teenagers pick on him,and he burns without touching,one of them,killing him.


He connects with a psychiatrist who just lost a suicidal patient,and feels responsible for their death. They become more than friends,as she ends up helping him in his quest to find out what happened to him.


The mystery leads back to his parents’ farm where everyone died in a fire.


I loved how the Americans were the bad guys in this movie,just like they make everyone else the bad guys in their movies. 


The movie has great visual effects,great story line,great landscapes .The movie's backbone is built like a drama,fleshed out by the action and suspense,and I loved the directing.


The soundtrack was great.


The acting was great,especially from the leading man. I thought he was the one from Hereditary,turns out he is his younger brother who looks just like him.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Off!