Mortal Kombat

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Action / Fantasy



The movie is based on the well known video game Mortal Kombat.


The fearsome warrior Sub Zero is tracing and killing warriors who bear a certain mark, around the world,past and present. It seems that there are the Earth Realm and the OuterWorld Sub Zero comes from and they have these fights in which their best champions fight for supremacy.


Sub Zero is hunting down all the earth's champions as his ruler wants to rule the realms by himself.


The movie has no tournament per say,as the ruler of the Outer World doesn't want to fight fair,but the fighting scenes are amazing,one better and more impressive than the other.


I personally liked it,it was funny,it had amazing visuals,the fighting scenes were top notch. The only thing I didn't quite like was the music,as I felt it didn't quite match,but maybe that was the music of the original,so..


One of the things which bothered me was,in the first scene of the movie,we see Sub Zero kill the family of Hanzo Hasashi / Scorpion by freezing them to death,locking them in the ice created by his super powers. The same thing happens to Cole Young's family,but they survive. How is that possible? The rules don't apply to them?


The movie is on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play, Microsoft, Vudu.


Rating : Worth a watch !