Murder Mystery

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h37min


Genre : Comedy / Mystery


Cast : Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler, Luke Evans, Gemma Arterton , Terence Stamp



Nick and Audrey have been married for 15 years and never been on a vacation. Audrey still dreams of the day when Nick is gonna take her to Europe as promised when they married.

Feeling pressured,Nick takes her on the vacation she wants,although,they can’t afford it.

On the plane, Audrey befriends the nephew of a billionaire, who invites them on the man’s yacht, as his uncle married his ex girlfriend and he is bitter.


Aboard,the billionaire is murdered right after he tells everyone he cuts them out of his will,leaving everything to his 23 year old wife!

Everyone is a suspect. Nick and Audrey more than anyone,as everybody tells the police they were the most suspicious people there.

The police, instead of doing their work,try to get Nick and Audrey,as they think them the killers.


The movie is funny,the acting is good(I like how Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston work together,as they seem to have this great synergy,they complete each other,I was never a fan of Jennifer Aniston before seeing her in 'Just go with it',another movie with Adam Sandler,and I just love how he brings the best in her,helping her give a great performance),it has everything : romance,adventure,great action scenes and even funny ones too.


Whoever wrote this movie was into mustaches,as at least three characters : Adam Sandler's, his best friend, and Luke Evans wear one,and I didn't know they were in fashion! I personally hate mustaches!


The movie is a Netflix production and can be found on the platform.


Rating : It's so money !