My Christmas love

Year of release : 2016


Run time : 1h25min


Genre : Romance


Cast : Bobby Campo



Cynthia,a hopeless romantic (some say this is due to her parents' great love who used to do all these grand gestures for each other),is being dumped by her boyfriend of 5 months because he's not ready to meet her family and spend 2 weeks with them.


She asks her best friend, Liam, to go with her to the wedding,as her plus one.

Liam accepts her invitation,and yet the whole time they're there,she doesn't spend much time with him,as she is busy looking up her old flames,dating them,trying to figure out which one of them is sending her gifts.


As they reach her parents' place,each of the "12 days of Christmas " song items are being send to the house as daily gifts. For some unknown reason,Cynthia thinks they are for her. So she starts going back to all of her ex boyfriends,one by one,thinking any one of them could be the one sending them.


Cynthia becomes annoying fast,as she seems selfish,and her obsession with her exes,and her belief those gifts could only be sent to her,is ridiculous.

The moment she thinks the cop is the one,she throws Liam aside,as she can't take him to the dinner before the wedding. Because that's what you do to people who help you.


For someone who packed only one luggage she has many clothes and boots!

The lead has this obsession with making her sister wear her mother's dress. I personally don't want to wear my mother's wedding dress,I want to wear my own. We are different people with different tastes and styles. She is also upset her sister didn't take her shopping,so she would give her her input on what to buy or wear. Why? Shouldn't we wear and buy what we like,not what others want?


Her sister is also annoying,as she doesn't like her husband do anything he likes concerning the wedding,because she doesn't want to get too attached?! She doesn't want a beautiful wedding and doesn't even want to go on a honeymoon,because she doesn't want to end up like her father,heartbroken because their spouse died! She keeps on saying things like these romantic things are not real. What?!


"My Christmas love " is a song they play as Cynthia is at the dance with the cop,who by the way,thinks her name is Cindy,but she dates him,because she thinks he sent her the gifts.


The cop looks like Patrick Swayze.


The actor who plays her sister's fiance is bad at acting.

Although seems unlikely due to all the greenery,the movie seems to have been filmed in winter.


I liked the interior designs, the winter landscapes, the Christmas decorations.


Rating : Worth a watch !