My own private Idaho

Year of release : 1991


Run time : 1h44min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Keanu Reeves, River Phoenix



The movie is supposed to be adapted from Henry IV,part 1; Henry IV, part 2; Henry V by William Shakespeare .


River Phoenix plays a male prostitute who's also narcoleptic.


This movie managed to bore me within the first 20 minutes. It's a movie about nothing while they say it's a movie about the life of male prostitutes. Who pretty much do nothing all day. They are homeless,sleep on rooftops or in abandoned houses.


It ended up being a movie about River looking for his mother.


The movie was so boring, I started playing music while watching it. I only liked how they dealt with the s3x scenes.


The movie ends without an end - doesn't even have closure or what you'd call a proper ending.


Keanu is very stiff in this movie when it comes to acting. He ,most of the time sounds like he's reciting a poem,and not in a good way.

I noticed Keanu was given white people roles,as he has Asian features(his father is Asian). His parents in movies are white like in this one, The devil's advocate, Feeling Minnesota(says the woman who when I watched Constantine,I was wondering why were the kid and teenager playing Keanu's character Asian ).

Rating : The Horror, THE HORROR !!