Naked singularity

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h33min


Genre : Drama / Crime


Cast : Bill Skarsgard, Ed Skrein



I don't even know what this movie is about...I think it's trying to have something spiritual,or about the end of the world in it...

Casi is a lawyer who defends bad people. He's trying to save them from jail,but they keep on doing and saying the wrong things. He gets in an altercation with the judge who has him on a 6 months leave.


He is also in love with one of his clients who keeps on looking for trouble. She has a one night stand with a guy who wants her to help him get the drugs hidden in a car stored at the place she works.


While trying to get one of the packages out,she's caught ,and ends up helping the cops so she won't end up in jail. She's not honest with them,as she lies about most things,trying to get the deal done,so she can get her cut.


To be honest I watched this movie for Ed Skrein,because he's one of my favorites. I persoanlly hated the movie,it bored me.

Bill Skarsgard was the best,his acting was amazing.


Rating : The horror, The Horror!