Nightmares & Dreamscapes

Year of release : 2006


Run time : 43- 54 minutes episodes, 8 episodes


Genre : Horror / Suspense / Mystery / Tv Series / Mini Series



Nightmares and Dreamscapes is another one of the series with stand alone episodes,based on Stephen King’s short stories.The series have 8 episodes.



Autopsy Room 4


is about a man who ends up in the autopsy room,the doctors calling him dead,but he can hear,feel everything. As he’s laid there on the cold table,and they prepare to dissect him,we see what happened prior to his arrival to the hospital.




You know they’ve got a hell of a band



A couple get lost on a country road. They seem to have problems in their marriage as the husband never wants to take advice and never admits when he’s wrong. Like now when they’re on the road,and he got lost,but he refuses to admit he got lost,he keeps on driving in the wrong direction.


They end up in this small town in a place without power lines,where they start recognizing dead celebrities and the people there look scared and angry,like being there against their will.


The husband(played by Steven Weber,one of my favorites) was annoying,never listening to his wife,always doing what he wanted. He never admitted he was wrong,always needing to have his way,even if his way was wrong.


The acting was great,the one playing Janis Joplin was amazing,so was William McNamara.



Rating : It's so money!