Nine lives

Year of release : 2016


Run time : 1h27min


Genre : Comedy / Fantasy / Family


Cast : Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Garner, Christopher Walken, Robbie Amell



"Nine lives" tells the story of a very busy business man, a man who is so busy he never has time for his family.


His daughter's birthday is approaching and she keeps on asking him for a cat for years, but he hates cats. He ends up in mister Perkins' shop, Purrkins, and he wakes up as a cat!A very cute and fluffy cat.


Mister Perkins tells him if he ever wants to get back to his normal self, he must learn to appreciate the little things and his family.


Christopher Walken is playing mister Perkins. It seems his talents are always wasted on weird characters. Christopher Walken is one of the best actors but it seems lately he never seems to find a role to match his skills. With that being said, also, when you see Walken in a movie lately, you know he has special powers so stay away, if you are the lead.


Jennifer Garner plays the underappreciated wife who is friends with his ex wife!


"9 lives" was a fun, family movie.

The acting was good, the visuals good, sometimes you could tell the cat was CGI.

Robbie Amell was gorgeous as the business man's elder son who always wanted his approval...


The movie is streaming on Netflix, and is for rent or sale on Amazon , Apple, Google Play, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !