No escapes

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 2h12min


Genre : Action / Thriller / Adventure



No Escapes or Fire, opens with a mission the team of 6 firefighters have. They are surrounded by fire, and in order to survive,they must dig and envelop themselves in fire shelters.


The leader of the team of fire fighters, Andrei Pavlovich, is asked by his superior to go back,as Russia is burning. He refuses, as he is missing one man, and he refuses to take a rookie, as he thinks they need 6 more months of training.


We are introduced to the characters,their stories.

Pavlovich goes to see his daughter(who works at the same place he does) and when he hears she is dating a rookie,Roman, who's always wearing shades, annoyed by the fella, he sings him up on his team.

Pyotr lost his pregnant wife in a fire,so he keeps on watching videos of her.

Another member of the team is looking for reasons to see Oksana who works in the restaurant of the firefighting department.

Maksim is teaching a group of women to sing hyms to the firefighters.

And another one is spending time with his family before leaving on the mission.

Roman reveals he wanted to become a firefighter to be close to the woman he loves. Roman and Katya,his love interest, seem pretty obsessed with each other, as they don't do anything without the other one knowing about it.


The plane takes them to the forest on fire and they must jump with parachutes. The fire is so violent,is burning the place where they set their base, and is heading towards a village where people are having a wedding.

They must evacuate the citizens,and Pyotr gets attached to a pregnant woman, as he sees in her his dead wife, and makes it his mission to get her to the hospital, and get her out of the burning forest.


The children are taken by helicopter while the rest travel in group with the rest of the firefighters,to safety.


The movie was action packed,never having a dull moment, and had funny moments,it felt like an old Hollywood movie, the kind without an agenda.


The actors were great.

The visual effects amazing.

The soundtrack great.


The movie is streaming on Freevee Amazon Channel, The Roku Channel, Tubi Tv, and is for rent on Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft Store, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !