No strings attached

Year or release : 2011


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : ??


Cast : Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher, Kevin Kline, Cary Elwes



They labeled this as a romantic comedy but the movie is not funny nor romantic.


So this couple know each other since they were kids,but she was always a weird - cold person.

They meet again in the present and start a relationship based on s3x.


You better watch out,I'm gonna give spoilers,because the movie annoyed the hell out of me!


I'm sick of this trend / agenda of A listers playing vulgar, cheap ,sleazy characters to normalize wh*ring.

The lead is a wh*re who effs the guy whenever she needs it,but goes on dates with her colleague. So he's good enough to f@k,not good enough to date,I guess!

I hate how in this kind of movies or books this is seen as something to aspire to be and be with.


The guy wants to be with her but she only wants to f@k him. He's good for s3x but not for a relationship !

She stops dating him because he's a great guy who actually likes her and wants to be with her.


I don't like this kind of soulless characters and movies,empty on the inside ,also,it's so not funny to see a drunk woman.


They keep on going back and forth because she doesn't know what she wants. She wants him,she doesn't ..this woman didn't deserve a happy ending. He did. He deserved to be with a woman who loves him,and meet her years later,while she's still effing around,and he has a family,so she'd see what she lost.


Rating : The Horror,The Horror !