Not Okay

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Zoey Deutch, Dylan O'Brien



Danni doesn't have any friends. Her colleagues at work rarely speak to her. She is alone. She likes this guy who travels,so after talking to him once,she decides to impress him by lying she's going to Paris on a writers retreat. At first,she wants to ask her parents for money,as the trip is very expensive. She then realizes she can fake it.


So she posts the whole weekend about being in Paris.


A t3rr0rist attack takes place,and she is close to being revealed. She decides to go to the airport,and pretend she came from the Paris flight. The press take pictures of her with her parents at the airport.


After posting fake Paris pictures people start following her and liking her posts. After posing as a victim,she gets more fame.


When asked about writing a piece for her work,she takes her mother's advice( who thinks she's been in a t3rr0rist attack) to go to a support group.


She befriends a girl who's been in a school shooting and militates against guns.


Everybody is asking her how come she's so strong ,maybe it's because she can't even fake sadness,because she is finally seen by people and her peers,and she's basking in it.


The movie is divided into 9 chapters.


Although there's a warning at the beginning of the movie about the lead being unlikeable, I didn't hate her,she is a sad character,I felt bad for her,as she's alone,people don't like her,and they don't have a reason for it. She just wants to fit in,to have friends,to be seen,and the only way to be seen to her is social media presence.

The only one who wants to be her friend,but she ignores, is a character played by Karan Soni. He's the only one I liked from this movie , Deadpool's taxi driver. He's funny, entertaining,I wish there was more of him on the screen.


The people around her,except for her parents and Karan,are unlikeable, as they are shallow, empty shells of human beings. Nobody gives her the time of day.

The girl in the survivors support group gives her the time of day,and I think when writing her reveal,she should have thought of her first,not the others,she should have talked to her personally ,came clean,and after write the post. Because,after all,she was her only friend.


The soundtrack was good. So was the acting.

I didn't like the costumes,especially of the lead. I hated her hair .


I didn't like the representation( which is now in all the movies,you can't watch a movie without it) from a certain group as they came off as entitled and mean,in one scene they say " I hate straight people".Now think what would happen if straight people said that about their group.


The movie is also full of diversity,but there's none in a scene with all the bad girls who faked it till they made it,because only a certain race is bad,the rest - good!


The movie is streaming exclusively on Hulu.


Rating : Could have been a contender !