
Year of release : 2024


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Horror / Thriller



The movie opens with Dani,who is visited one night,at her new home (a sort of medieval fortress),by a man with a glass eye. The man tells her there's someone in the house with her, and asks her to let him in,to look around.


Almost one year later, Dani is dead, and her twin sister mourns her death. Dani's husband, psychiatrist Ted Timmis, visits her curio shop (all the objects in her shop are cursed,a safe way to keep robbers away. She lifts the curse when the object is purchased ), and gifts her the eye of the man who visited her sister, and who is believed to have k1lled her.

He also tells her that he has a girlfriend, and Darcy, Dani's sister, is surprised he is already dating someone.


Darcy, who is blind, but is a clairvoyant, and also has the gift of knowing everything about a person when touching something that belonged to them, takes her gloves off, and touches the man's glass eye. And knows he didn't k1ll her.


She goes back to the oddities shop, and sends a large chest to her sister's husband house.

A week later,she is at his place, as she says he invited her, which he didn't. She opens the trunk, and shows him and the girlfriend, what's inside, a man-size wooden doll, a witch gave Darcy's mother,on her 5th wedding anniversary.


Yana,the husband's girlfriend seems like a real peach,as she's always angry. The reason being now, she doesn't like the medieval house, as she can't sleep in it,knowing his wife was k1lled in it (so she has nothing to do with it), and she thinks the late wife a ghost in the house, as she caught her in pictures. It almost seems like they weren't together while he was still married,as she tells him to keep the pictures she found of the wife, but he's not interested.


He leaves the two in the house, and goes to work. Yana wants to leave,but can't find her car keys,so she stays, while Darcy seems to be fallen asleep on the couch. At the same time, this wooden doll keeps on changing position, as if it's handled by Darcy. Yana looks at the doll and finds it has 5 holes in its head. Poking through it, she finds pictures of the twins, a lock of hair,and a vile of..blood?


I personally enjoyed the movie,it's captivating, the story is unique,it pulls you into its atmosphere, but somehow I expected more. I honestly wanted to see Darcy avenge her sister, but she's always telling the villain what she knows about them,while she's blind,and can't really defend herself!


The movie doesn't have a happy ending for anyone, and for Darcy it might be because she said she sent the wooden doll for an innocent man and she'll have to pay for it.


The acting was great,especially from the leading actress who played double role!


The soundtrack was amazing,so beautiful,haunting and eerie!


Oddity is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Netflix, and is for rent / sale on Amazon Prime, AppleTv+, Fandango at Home , Vudu.


Rating : Worth a watch !