Off the rails

Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h19min


Genre : Thriller?

Starring : Thomas Beaudoin



Inspired by actual events,or so they say,this movie isn’t bad,but the plot is somewhat ridiculous .The acting wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great either.It has very bad visual effects,they look like computer made cartoons.


Nicole loses her memory after an accident .She doesn't recognize her hot man and doesn't want him.




As the movie progresses Nicole seems a ho',so far at least 3 men approached her thinking she was there to have s*x with them .She has a husband,played by the gorgeous,piece of man candy,Thomas Beaudoin ,and by all accounts she’s cheating .I don’t know what woman in her right mind would cheat on this sexy beast! He has the body and the face,just saying.


So ,she had an affair with a guy who doesn’t even reach Thomas’ little finger in the looks department .We find out maybe it wasn’t an affair because she wanted a break from the relationship with Thomas,due to the fact she wasn’t sure about marrying him.


The former fiance of the guy she had an affair with k!lled herself so the police would investigate his disappearance!?!And he didn’t even love her,he cheated on her with the lead,and left her for the lead .This after she created Facebook , Instagram and other accounts that married people who cheat use.


The lead only had the affair with that guy .Thomas k!lled him and had a weird relationship with the psychiatrist(she helped him put false memories in the lead’s head.She also helped him bury the body of the guy,Luc,was his name.).

The lead also had dreams which told her what was real,like how her bf was dead,where he was buried ..and how the memories were planted,as the psychiatrist was trying to plant them.


The movie ended weirdly,the body was missing,so we don’t know if he was really dead,and ends with the police reviving her,at the same time we see her going towards this guy she loves who waits for her on the bench.


There’s a scene in which Thomas fights with the lead,and it’s cut weirdly, in one scene he walks after her as she’s on the ground,in the next he’s with his hands around her neck as they are both standing.. After the ex k!lls herself the lead still sees the accounts she created having pics uploaded..that didn’t go anywhere.

It just felt like so many plot lines ended up unfinished.


I honestly would have liked it better if she was a h*e rather  than this innocent woman who had things done to her by others.


Rating : The Horror,The Horror!