Old man

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h37min


Genre : Psychological Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Stephen Lang, Marc Senter



And old man wakes up distraught in the morning,calling for Rascal. At first I thought he was crazy,then maybe that he was looking for his dog. But if that was a dog,how could it have gone outside,since the door was closed?


A hiker who lost his path in the woods ends up at his place,and the old man lets him in, holding him at gun point,or riffle,in this case. He's telling him stories, especially one about a Bible salesman, and the things he did to him,to scare him.


The whole movie I waited to see which one of the them is the villain, and if the villain was the young man,when will he turn?


The actors,Stephen Lang and Marc Senter, were amazing, I loved their performances. For most of the time I though Marc's character was a serial killer or someone he did something to,in the past,and he came for vengeance,as he had the look serial killers have in movies,looking squeaky clean, too nice and polite,dressed the part.


The movie seemed rather boring,as the action takes place inside this one room cabin in the woods ( it even has the toilet in the same room,and it's in the old style),but we can never see the woods,not even the front porch of the cabin.

But, the twist at the end is worth all the money! I loved the twist,although you have to wait 1h22minutes for it.


The movie is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !