Olympus has fallen

Year of release : 2013


Run time : 1h59min


Genre : Action / Political Thriller


Cast : Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Angela Bassett, Rick Yune, Dylan McDermott, Rhada Mitchell, Melissa Leo, Robert Forster, Ashley Judd


Director : Antoine Fuqua



The movie starts on a Christmas night,when the president of the United States and his family go to a billionaire's party. On the way there,they get into a car accident,and the missus dies,exit Ashley Judd,who was more of a cameo in this movie.


Presidential guard Mike Banning is removed from working for the president,as he failed to protect the missus,although,people close to the president say it was what anyone would have done in that situation.


On the 5th of July, the president receives a convoy from North Korea. Right then,Washington is being attacked by a military plane which is dropping the USA military planes from the sky,and shooting at the citizens on the streets,wrecking havoc.

The president and his subordinates are taken to the bunker ,where the villain and his gang reveal themselves.

They take the important people with the missile codes,one by one,as they want to bomb the USA to pieces.


Mike Banning,who was trapped in a desk job he hated,is running to the White House to land a helping hand. He starts meticulously killing the terrorists one by one,trying to get to the president and his son,to rescue them.

He turns off the camera system,so the villains won't see inside the White House anymore,and contacts the Pentagon.


The actors were great,I particularly liked Melissa Leo,who gave a real performance, in my opinion,of how anyone would have reacted in such a situation. Not that the other actors didn't ,but I was impressed by her,as her character was the one who had to suffer the most.


The movie was action packed,the action scenes are great.


The visual effects were great.


I don't remember the soundtrack,but since it didn't bother me, I guess it was good.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !