Once upon a Deadpool

Year of release : 2018


Run time : 2h14min


Genre : Action / Comedy


Cast : Ryan Reynolds , Josh Brolin , Morena Baccarin



Deadpool and Vanessa decide to have a baby,and literally soon after,she is killed due to Deadpool’s line of work in a home invasion. Deadpool is devastated and keeps on trying to kill himself without succeeding as he can’t die. He almost succeeds a few times,but in this place without a time,Vanessa tells him his heart is not in the right place,and they can’t be together.


He ends up in the mutant jail,as on a mission,when he finally decides to become an X-Man,he kills the ones not considered the bad guys,as he helps a kid with fire powers.

In jail,the kid he helped on the mission gets attached to him and follows him everywhere. As they all wear a collar which takes their powers,his cancer is coming back.


Cable comes from the future to kill the kid as in the future he becomes a serial killer who torches people,including his own family.


The movie was funny,the acting great.I loved the visual effects,especially the ones with Vanessa in the afterlife.

Also,the movie has a lot of cameos from the likes of 'Benjamin Button' and The X Men..has a "blink and you'll miss it" In Memoriam for Stan Lee..

As always,the movie breaks the 4th wall talking to the audience.


Be sure to watch the credits because it has a lot of scenes inserted into it(I let them run because I was writing the review).


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !