
Year of release : 2009


Run time : 2h3min


Genre : Horror /  Psychological Thriller


Cast : Vera Farmiga, Isabelle Fuhrman, Peter Sarsgaard



The movie opens with a nightmare Kate has, a distorted memory of how she lost her baby who died in her womb. A while later,her and her husband decide to adopt,although they already have two more children,and go to a Christian orphanage.


The husband finds this 9 year old girl who paints these beautiful paintings and has really beautiful stories about each and every one,like a fairytale.

Kate likes her too,and they adopt her.


The orphan, Esther,is very smart,and learns pretty quickly the sign language to speak with the youngest daughter of the family who is deaf.


As the plot unravels Esther shows a darker and then even darker side to the little girl,as whoever dares mocking her has serious accidents. She then starts revealing this side to Kate too,as she starts being very rude to her and manipulating the husband against her.


Kate is the only one who understands there's something wrong with this girl,as the husband is in complete denial,and goes as far as siding with Esther,pretty much a stranger to them,instead of his own wife.


The husband was so annoying and ridiculously stupid,putting a stranger above his own family,and he gets what he deserves. He and her psychiatrist don't believe anything Kate is saying,wanting to hospitalize her for mental problems.


Esther is so far gone,that she takes the couple's daughter on her crime sprees. The daughter is so traumatized she doesn't tell the parents anything. Esther traumatizes the brother too,after he's being rude to her way too many times,and threatens to cut him. 


This is one of my favorite movies,the actors are amazing,especially Vera Farmiga and Isabelle Fuhrman,who was 11 at the time.

Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !