
Year of release : 1995


Run time : 2h8min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, Cuba Gooding Jr, Donald Sutherland, Patrick Dempsey



The movie is based on Richard Preston's book,The hot zone, published in 1994.


The movie opens in 1967,in the Motaba River Valley,Zaire,where the mercenary camps are full of people dying within a day from the infection with a very contagious virus.

The American military decides to bomb the place to stop the spreading of the virus.


In 1995,present day of the movie,colonel Sam Daniels is called by his superior about an outbreak in Zaire. He leaves his dogs with his ex wife whom he still loves and still considers his wife.

His ex wife is moving to another city, as she's working for the CDC now.


In Zaire,in the very same Motaba River Valley, he and his team find the whole village dead from what seems to be the same virus from 1967. Luckily, the virus is not airborne. They burn the village down, and fly away.


A crew is catching the monkeys in that valley,which end up in the USA. One of those monkeys end up in a pet store where it bites the owner, and then spits on the man who releases it in a forest near San Francisco.

Needless to say, pretty soon the men get sick and die. This turns into an outbreak, as everyone who came in contact with them gets sick and dies.


Sam and his crew are working on the clock to find the host of the virus so they could create a cure for the sick,while the army wants to deal with it the way they did in the past.


The movie was good, it took the time to introduce the characters to us, to build up their stories.


The actors were all great, at times they delivered funny lines.


The visual effects and make-up were good.


I didn't like the soundtrack.


Outbreak is streaming on Showtime, Paramount+ Showtime, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, DirecTv, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !