Paul Blart Mall Cop

Year of release : 2009


Run time : 1h31min


Genre : Comedy / Action


Cast : Kevin James



Paul always wanted to become a cop. Problem is he is hypoglycemic. At the police academy exam he finished first of his group but he fainted right before the finish line . So he ends up being the next best thing, a mall cop.


Since he is single, his family -mother and daughter- convince him to create an account on a dating site. Thing is, he is kinda in love with a beautiful girl who works at the mall in the wigs section.


When a group of robbers take over the mall in order to steal a lot of money, Paul gets to prove his skills to his peers and even the woman he loves.


The movie was funny, I laughed the whole time, the actors were all great.


The movie is available on Amazon Instant Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play, HBO Max, Hulu, Netflix, Vudu.


Rating : Worth a watch !