Praying Mantis

Year of release : 1993


Run time : 1h29min


Genre : Psychological Thriller / Made for Television


Cast : Jane Seymour, Barry Bostwick, Frances Fisher



The movie opens with a wedding. The soon to be newlyweds are alone in the church,just them and the priest. They celebrate in their hotel room,and we see the husband collapsing right after he drank the champagne.


The police find out the woman killed five men in ten years,but they don't know how she looks like and who she is.


Some time later we see her,now going by another name and having a new haircut,stalking a new prey. She lies she is a writer, researching XIX century Russia, and likes fishing,although she doesn't know Anna Karenina is a novel not a writer.


She catches the man's eye,who invites her to dinner. She accepts,and they start dating. The man lives in a mansion with his son,and his dead wife's sister.


The Black Widow,now going by the name Linda,wants to be liked by all,at the same time getting rid of anyone who to her is competition.


I personally hated it.


The movie was cut weird. It looked like it was made by students in film school. Due to how bad the movie was, I wasn't even angry,I just laughed the whole time!

The movie could have been longer,to give us reasons why this woman did what she did,to know her better,but that's not the case here. I guess that wasn't important to the makers of this movie.


The leading man is too stupid to live. He seems almost hypnotized by this woman as he never questions anything she does,and takes for granted anything she says (although he catches her lying,like for  example about fishing). He doesn't trust what his long time friends tell him,but trusts what this woman he just met tells him (there's this ridiculous scene towards the end of the movie,in which after she thinks she k!lled his son,she lies his sister in law(whom she k!lled) broke her leg,and his son remained with her at the hospital,but told her she could still go to her wedding to his father!!!He agrees with this,not having his own son at the wedding,not wanting to check how this woman he's been living with for years,taking care of him and his son is doing!! He married this b!tch and then spent the night at the hotel,not even calling his family,to see how they are doing!!! This is insane!!! ).

He proposes very fast,and alienates his friends for this woman just because she says so.


The movie had potential,the idea was good,but it was poorly executed.


The acting was bad.


The soundtrack was bad,I felt it didn't match.


You can watch the full movie for free here:


Rating : The horror,the Horror !