Promising young woman

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Thriller


Starring : Carey Mulligan



Carey Mulligan plays a woman with a troubled past,something really bad happened to her best friend in the past and she’s traumatized by it.


From the very first scene of the movie we see how she picks up guys,more like,she tests them.There’s something very important to her,she wants to see if they take advantage of her when drunk.

She is on a vengeance path,and whenever she’s acting on it,roman letters appear on screen.


The last part of the movie and the ending was really unexpected.It really has a twist at the end.


The movie is beautifully shot.It has amazing,vivid colors,reminiscing of sweets.

The acting was great,the lead,Carey Mulligan is amazing.


The music was good,it even has the Spice Girls and Paris Hilton ,I loved the scene in the pharmacy where they sing along to her song.There’s also a Britney Spears symphonic,dark,version of Toxic.


Rating : Could have been a contender !