
Language : French / German / Russian / English


Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h47min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Eva Green , Matt Dillon



The movie is about the trials the astronauts go through before going to space. Proxima is focused more on the woman and what she has to face as a mother having to train hard for a space mission, leaving her daughter behind for six months with her father,in Germany,her being a French woman.


The little girl is afraid she won’t understand the German as she’s not that good at it,especially since she’s not that good at math.


What I hated was that whoever did the translations even did translations for the English in the movie writing down something other than what they were saying while they couldn’t be bothered with the Russian translation,although they had the French subtitles for it.

Considering they translated the French,my guess is they could have translated the Russian through the French subtitles.


The acting was good. Matt Dillon’s character first comes across as an arseh*le, but he warms up to the leading character.


I personally,didn't like the movie,as I expected an action thriller and got a drama.


Rating : The Horror ,The Horror !