Quantum Entanglement pt2

Trinkets of deceit


Once upon a time there was a girl who saw the magic in the mondane,synchronicities in coincidentals and hope in the irremediably.Once upon a time there was a lady who gave too much and receive too little,who gave infinity and got an inch.A goddess among the insects.A girl who saw her soul-mate,twin-flame,the one,in every man she dated because she loved with a love that felt forever.Her love was forever but for the wrong men because in this world of smoking mirrors and icons of deceit nothing’s what it seems,black is white and night is day and the Creator had something special put aside for her.

Her will and strenght had to be tested.Those who have not tasted the sour can’t appreciate the sweet.Those who never walked in the shadows can’t appreciate the light.Those who have never known sadness can never understand the true value of happiness and those who never suffered can’t understand bliss.

There she is,her green eyes sparkling like diamonds watching the night sky,her hand stroking her long wavy hair in the color of mahogany,while walking the midnight streets of Baia Mare,a city trapped in medieval times like a butterfly in amber with the same allure of magic about it.

Walking in the Piata Libertatii Park(Freedom Square) under the blossomed trees which spread a scent of perfume in the air, her thoughts revolved around her boyfriend,Cristi,with whom she wanted to share the beauty of the peaceful place.

Funny how when you love someone everything is about them and you want to share everything with them,every small thing which all of a sudden seems so important.The previous day she bought him gifts from the Souvenir shops and she couldn’t wait to get home to him.

„Home” she thought to herself.Home was wherever he was.

She passed for the last time by the Turnul lui Stefan( Stephan’s Tower) and gazed at it feeling like she stepped out of time,wishing she could share the experience with Cristi. She sighed filled with nostalgia and took a picture with her phone which she sent him with the caption „Wish you were here” . The day before she used the little free time she had climbing the tower and admiring the breathtaking view from the top of the city.

The Sfantul Nicolae Church(Saint Nicholas Church) was sleeping sound,away from the madness of the day which had it dressed like a bride on its wedding day with wildflowers and ribbons.

She waved goodbye to Iancu of Hunedoara’s House,a part of the castle the ruler built for his wife Elisabeta.The house seemed to be revealing itself from the waters of time through a glitch in the matrix, under the lights of the lampads of its surrounding walls.

Back in the Square she took a night picture of the clock pole framed by two light poles which looked like a king guarded by his most faithful watchmen.

Penelope sighed, „Ah,those were the days !..”

She passed by shops and restaurants anchored in the elegance of the past and reached her temporary home.She opened the window to her hotel room and admired Stephan’s Tower which raised its head to watch over the sleepy town.The Square was silent,recalling of the spell cast over the assembly at Sleeping Beauty’s wedding.Even the statue resting by the storey window seemed dormant.


Excerpt from Quantum Entanglement

Picture : Woman in Red by Zac Macaulay ,Underwater Photography