Rear window

Year of release : 1954


Run time : 1h53min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Grace Kelly, James Stewart, Thelma Ritter


Director : Alfred Hitchcock



The movie is based on the 1942 Cornell Woolrich's short story, "It had to be murder".


While recuperating from a broken leg, professional photographer Jeff,ends up watching his neighbors from the buildings in front of his,as there's a heat wave ,and they leave the windows wide open without covering them.


He watches a newly wed couple, a dancer with many suitors, a man with a bedridden wife(she can walk just fine!),a couple who sleep outside,and who's dog digs in the flower garden,a lonely woman, and a pianist.


He is visited regularly by a nurse named Stella,who gives him massages, and his beautiful perfect girlfriend,whom he doesn't like so much,because she's too perfect!!


On a rainy night,as he can't sleep,due to the fact he sleeps in the wheelchair, he sees his neighbor with the bedridden wife,leaving his place with the suitcase, three times. He tells his nurse and girlfriend about it,and although at first they dismiss his accusations and ideas,they start believing him,and they start working on a plan to find out what exactly happened.


The movie reminded me of Disturbia with Shia LaBeouf,which was apparently inspired by this one.


The whole action takes place in Jeff's room,we see him watching people,and the people moving from room to room,talking,dancing,partying..At first I thought it would feel claustrophobic,but it doesn't, it grips you,pulls you in, and you want to know what's going on.

I honestly felt like I was there with him,on a hot summer night(it's hot in here too) ,trying to solve the mystery.


I loved Grace Kelly's outfits. She wore such beautiful and feminine dresses.


The actors were good, I liked how Grace Kelly acted,and the actress who played Stella, Thelma Ritter.


The visual effects were good for that era.


I didn't like the soundtrack.


The movie is for rent / sale on Amazon, AppleTv, DirecTv, Google Play, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !