Rear window

Year of release : 1998


Run time : 1h29min


Genre : Television / Crime / Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Christopher Reeve, Daryl Hannah



The movie is based on the 1942 story in Dime Detective ,"It Had to Be Murder" by Cornell Woolrich, and on the 1954 Rear Window film,directed by Alfred Hitchcock.


After a car accident which left him with no memory of the day of the accident,and unable to move his body from the neck down, renowned architect Jason Kemp turns his apartment into a high tech home filled with assistive technology.


Due to his condition,his colleagues gave the project he was working on to "the new girl" Claudia, but Jason insists they give him the project back,so he ends up working with Claudia,from his home.


In his spare time,he develops an interest in watching the neighbors, and even asks his personal nurse to buy him a camera. He becomes consumed with the lives of the neighbors, especially a couple who is in what we call today "a toxic relationship".

One night,witnessing the man slapping the woman around, he calls the police,afraid for her well being.

The man spends the night in jail, and after he comes home, he raids the neighbors' apartments checking on who called the police on him!

One night, Jason is woken up by the loud screaming of a woman and the flashes like lightnings. After the incident he believes the man k!lled his wife. After a while of the woman being "away" she comes back, but she looks different, one important detail being she doesn't drink.


Jason is convinced the man k!lled his wife and put her in his art project, as he worked on it the whole night and day after the screamings.


The movie was surprisingly good. It starts with Jason's time in the hospital,him recuperating, then moving into his home, then him spying on the neighbors.


The acting was good from everyone involved. I was impressed by Christopher Reeve, who had to work only with his face, and he was perfect. His face is expressive, the acting flows natural, and he pretty much carried the movie.

In 1994,aged 42, Christopher Reeve fell off a horse, and remained paralyzed, having a spinal cord injury, so what you see in the movie, is how the actor was in real life at the time.


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : Worth a watch !