
Year of release : 1940


Run time : 2h10min


Genre : Mystery / Romance


Cast : Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine



The movie is adapted from Daphne du Maurier's gothic novel of the same name,published in 1938.


This is the story of a woman who marries a man she barely knows due to her infatuation with him.

Upon settling in, and living in his amazing mansion ( more of a castle,really) she starts feeling the omnipresence of Rebecca, his ex dead wife, as she is always present, although dead, through all the items in the house - the initials on the napkins and notebooks, the room she lived in, kept exactly the same by a servant who was obviously obsessed with her and lived through her.


Due to this servant who hates her for taking Rebecca's place, because in her mind the husband loved her dearly, and he should be alone forever after her death, this nice, innocent young woman, almost afraid of her own shadow - the complete opposite of Rebecca, and probably the reason Maxim fell in love with her - thinks her husband doesn't love her, and still loves his dead wife.


Soon we discover things aren't at all as they seem, after the body of a woman is discovered in a shipwreck.


I honestly loved this movie, I like it more than I do the remake which I honestly didn't like. I liked the acting, Joan Fontaine reminded me of Halle Berry in the way she was carrying herself and acting.


I loved the mansion the movie was filmed in, what a beautiful place, with sculpted items and fireplaces taller than the actors! Even the doors had the handles close to their head ( at their head level), which made me think this was built for giants.


The link to the full movie here :


Rating : It's so money !