
Year of release : 2020


Run time : 2h3min


Genre : Romance / Mystery


Cast : Lily James, Armie Hammer, Kristin Scott Thomas



The movie is based on the book of the same name,written by Daphne du Maurier.


After living a very fast blossoming and perfect romance,a newlywed ends up in her husband’s family estate surrounded by enemies. Her loving husband turns cold and is haunted by memories,or so we think,as he sleepwalks, and we’re told over and over again by the maid of how much he loved his ex wife who died.

Mrs. Danvers doesn’t miss a chance to tell her how amazing Rebecca was,and she keeps her room the way she left it before she died.


Rebecca feels like the absent leading character of the movie as everybody talks about her and her presence is felt everywhere,as nothing of hers was taken away. Everything has her initials,the tissues,the notebooks,the agendas..the plot is oversaturated with Rebecca’s absent presence. At one point I was sick of always hearing about her,about how beautiful she was,and how she spellbounded everyone,even the animals. And yet,she was an awful,disgusting human being.


The acting was good. I feel like Michael Fassbender would have done a better job at playing the husband,as he’s the best at playing tortured characters.

Kristin Scott Thomas was the best ,playing the obsessed Miss Danvers. We don’t know if she was in love with her,she says that awful woman was the only one she ever loved,or wanted to be her or like her,or just admired her, living through her ,but she was ridiculous in her obsession with this dead awful woman,as we come to find out.


There was nothing to like about Rebecca, Rebecca was filth. We find out the reason Maxim fell in love with our lead,and the new wife, was because she was Rebecca’s opposite,she was honest,innocent and true.


Rating : Could have been a contender !