Resident Evil

Year of release : 2002


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Horror / Action


Cast : Milla Jovovich, James Purefoy, Michelle Rodriguez



The movie is based on the Japanese horror video game series  of the same name,released in 1996.


A virus is set loose in the lab and the AI kills everyone in order to stop its spread.


Alice wakes up in a bathtub without a memory of who she is and of how she got there.


Soon,a team of elite commando soldiers come and the one in command demands answers from her,answers she can’t provide.


They go underground in the facility where the virus was created and they find a new survivor. They find everything locked up and everybody dead in different ways.

They decide to shut down the Queen,the AI controlling the place. As they do so,they unlock all labs and the bodies trapped there give them a hard time as they come back to life and try to eat them. One bite from these creatures and the bitten one becomes infected with the T virus,the virus turning people into the undead, zombies.


This is my favorite movie from the Resident Evil franchise,I consider it to be the best.


The acting was good, Milla plays a woman who doesn't know who she is so she is good at being out of it,oblivious.

I thought Michelle Rodriguez was the best,as she has to act in pain,unable to focus or move,and she did a great job,she really looked like she was going through stuff!


The action scenes are amazing.


I loved the colors of the movie.It looks so clean, those dreamy '90's videos.   Although 20 years old,it still looks brand new!


I loved the uniforms of the elite commando soldiers,the colors,the way they looked. I also loved the little I’ve seen of the relationship between Rain and JD.


Thew visual effects were good, they stand the test of time.


The soundtrack written and performed by Marilyn Manson, perfect! One of the best soundtracks ever! The Resident Evil franchise always had a great soundtrack.

What I didn’t like was Milla’s dress.I hated that thing!


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !