
Year of release : 1999


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Thriller / Horror


Cast : Christopher Lambert, Robert Joy, Leland Orser



The movie's story was penned by Christopher Lambert,and it's about a serial killer who kills men with biblical names,or more specifically,Jesus' apostles. All men are 33 years old,and have the same jobs the apostles had. The serial killer takes one of their limbs,including the head,leaves them to bleed to death,and leaves Bible passages for the police to find. Fun fact,it's only three weeks until Easter .


This is a movie I watched ,probably 20 years ago on tv,and looked for desperately everywhere,but could not find. I think it was inspired by the movie Seven with Brad Pitt,due to the serial killer vibe and the fact it was always raining in the movie.


The acting wasn't that amazing,the only ones I actually liked were Robert Joy, the actor who played the serial killer and the only one who's face I remembered from the movie(I remember recognizing the actor in other movies I watched. Now when I re-watched it,he was the only one who's face stayed with me,I had no idea who else played in this movie) and the lead's partner, Leland Orser.


I also didn't like the way it was filmed with these elongated shots to describe their inner turmoil and state of mind. Also, when they run after the killer,they play the scenes very fast,replaying them over and over again, and shaky,and I hate shaky camera.

All in all,I liked the movie,it has a good idea,the movie keeps you guessing about who it is,and what's the killer gonna do next.


Rating : Worth a watch !