Romancing the stone

Year of release : 1984


Run time : 1h46min


Genre : Romance / Adventure / Action / Comedy


Cast : Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny DeVito



Joan Wilder is a romance novelist who is in love with her perfect book character Jesse, and who wants a real life man just like him.

After she finishes her book, and gives the manuscript to her publisher, she comes home to an awful sight, as her apartment has been turned upside down.

Her sister calls her and tells her the mail her dead husband sent her is important and she needs to take it to Columbia,or the people who kidnapped her will kill her.


Joan embarks for Columbia, and the bad guy who trashed her place gives her wrong instructions about which bus to take to Cartagena.


As the bad guy tries to kill her, a real life Jesse turns out, shooting at him. Joan follows him around,trying to get out of the jungle and into Cartagena.


The first time I watched the movie, as a kid, I actually loved it, but now the movie bored me. Most of the acting was bad. I think there were only 3 actors who were good, one of them being Michael Douglas,the other her publicist, and the 3d Danny DeVito. The actress who played her sister was the worst.


The visual effects were so and so, there are scenes in which they are fighting, and they throw knives, and the way they were shot and pieced together is like a cartoon- now it's not there, now it is (the knife in the board ) which made me laugh. The fighting scenes are bad, as you can see they are not fighting for real, it's all pretend .


I hated the soundtrack.


The movie is streaming on Cinemax Amazon Channel, Directv, HBO Max, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Coulda been a contender !