
Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Sarah Paulson, Kiera Allen



Run is about a woman who after almost losing her child,becomes very protective of her. Her daughter seems to have quite a lot of serious diseases like arrhythmia, hemochromatosis, asthma, diabetes and paralysis.


Or so we think. After noticing a new pill in a bottle with her mother’s name on it,she sees it in her diet. She starts getting suspicious and tries to find out what it is,but the internet which was downstairs,loses connection while she tries to find out what it is. She finally finds out the green pill she’s looking for is not for what she is supposedly having,nor even for humans,it's a pill for dogs which causes numbness in legs if people take it.


As she discovers more and more about what is happening, her mother is getting more possessive,to the point she will stop at nothing to keep her with her - the daughter is 17 and she’s waiting for the college replies to her applications - and we reach a point in which we wonder if that’s even really her mother.


I like how at the beginning they give us the definition of all the diseases and all the words fade out only RUN remaining on screen.


The acting from the two leads was extraordinary. Kiera Allen who is playing the paralyzed daughter was amazing!


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !