
Year of release : 1954


Run time : 1h53min


Genre : Romance / Comedy


Cast : Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart



The movie is based on the 1953 play ,Sabrina Fair, by Samuel A Taylor,who also worked on the screenplay.


Sabrina was in love all of her life with David Larrabee. Problem is, David barely notices her,and well,she is his family's chauffeur's daughter.

On the eve of the day she has to travel to Paris cooking school, she attempts suicide, as she sees David with another one of his flings,doing the same old routine he does with all the girls.


She is rescued by David's brother, Linus.


Two years later, Sabrina didn't forget David, and she is back from cooking school,a changed woman. On the outside. As David offers her a ride,without recognizing her.


David seems smitten with her, and invites her to his family party. Problem is, he is engaged to be married to the daughter of his family's soon to be associate,as together they can create long lasting plastic.

His plans are derailed as he sits on the glasses he put in his back pockets,so Linus goes in his place.


This leads to a series of dates between Linus and Sabrina,as Linus wants to take her mind off David, and send her back to Paris. Problem is, he is falling for her, and Sabrina is not immune to his charms either.


I liked the movie,it had a good story,a heart, and it was funny at times.

I personally don't know what Sabrina found in David,he wasn't attractive, he didn't work, stayed on family's money,and he was a womanizer. He was spoiled and selfish.


I liked Audrey's dresses. I hated her haircut.


I didn't like the soundtrack.


You can watch the full movie for free here :


Rating : Worth a watch!