Saved !

Year of release : 2004


Run time : 1h32 min


Genre : Comedy / Teen


Starring : Mandy Moore ,Jena Malone,Macaulay Culkin,Eva Amurri



Mary,a teenager,is told by her boyfriend he's gay. Asking for Jesus' help,she thinks her prayers were answered as she gets the idea of saving him by having s3x with him. Problem is,they didn't use anything,so she is pregnant.


Her boyfriend is sent to a camp where all problem kids are taken, which is supposed to straighten him out.


Dealing with her pregnancy,afraid to tell anyone,including her mother,her very religious friend,Hilary Faye,is falling away from her as they both like the same boy.

Now Mary finds out who are her real friends,and makes new real ones.


The movie has really good acting from all the actors,most of them teenagers. The movie was funny,so at times I laughed with tears.

Mandy Moore even sings a song,which made me laugh because they exaggerate the gestures and mimic,as they are in a Christian band.


Mandy Moore plays the sanctimonious Christian hypocrite who is first to cast the stone,or in this case perform exorcism on Mary,by throwing books at her and trying to throw her out of the school by damaging she school's facade,making it look like Mary did it. She also has a disabled brother which she treats like sh*t,and a Jewish school mate she is trying to save but ends up trying to destroy.


Rating : It's so money!