
Year of release : 1991


Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Mystery /Psychological Thriller


Cast: Sharon Stone



Coming home from her favorite vintage shop,after buying a doll damaged by time,Angela is almost rap3d in the elevator by a red bearded man.

She is found in the elevator by her neighbor,an actor,who takes her to his place and calls the police.

After the police officer leaves she talks to the actor's brother,a twin, who is in a wheelchair, who tells her the police never do their job.

The actor offers to take her home,and we find out she fixes dolls and sells them for a higher price.


Angela is seeing a psychiatrist on a regular basis,and seems to have repressed memories. The psychiatrist thinks something bad happened to her in her childhood,leading to her being unable to be touched by men,and have a normal relationship.


The actor seems to like her,and one evening,as he has a party at his place,uses the excuse of not having ice,to come to her place and invite her to the party. Angela accepts his offer and joins the party,but doesn't stay long, as his brother,who is a painter,scares her with his scary nud3 paintings and the stalker attitude he has towards her.

She then has a panic attack when she sees a guest with a red beard,thinking it's the man who attacked her in the elevator.


She likes Alex,the actor,but whenever she gets close to him she has panic attacks and stops everything she starts with him. She then tells the psychiatrist she likes him, a man who could be her father!


She gets a job,and has to go to an address,where it seems to be a building under construction. The level she goes too,if fully decorated though,and going in,the door closes,trapping her inside.

She tries to get a chair or something to break the windows,as they are soundproof,but everything is nailed to the floor! She gets phone calls but the phone has no dial tone.

Looking through the house,she finds her employer dead,with a pair of scissors in his back.


Times passes,and Angela is trapped in this house with a dead stranger,having no food or water!


Alex worries for her,as he hears the cat crying all day long.He even calls her psychiatrist who tells him he received a typed note from her saying she's out of town,so he's not worried(because this is totally normal,why call when you can waste your time with letters!).


The plot thickens as we're left wondering who could do this to her,the painter,who's secret she found,afraid she might tell his brother,or the man who attacked her in the elevator,who also found her at the cinema she was enjoying watching a movie.


This was one of my favorite movies growing up,I used to find it so scary,now,not so much. And I didn't find it that good,especially considering the real action starts after 41 minutes. Until then it's just a build-up,getting to know the character, the people she interacts with,and could have motives for doing this to her.


The acting was so an so,at times good,at times not so good.


The soundtrack was so and so,at times good,when playing the circus music,sounding haunting and even a bit crazy,other times not so much.


You can watch the full movie here for free :


Rating : Worth a watch!