Season of the witch

Year of release : 2011


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Action / Horror


Cast : Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman



In the time of the crusades,two soldiers who fight for the church refuse to fight in its name anymore due to the fact they ended up killing women and children.


Reaching a town, they are recognized by the vendor and sold out to the guards.


As the world has been plagued for about three years by what they think are witches, and people die ,they are asked by a dying plagued pope to go to a monastery to get a precious book which could save humanity.


Although at first they refuse, they accept after they see a poor woman, considered a witch, being mistreated.


They embark on an adventure full of surprises and unknown in which nothing's what it seems,and the ones thought to be good and innocent are perhaps the worst kind of creatures.


The acting was good, the visual effects maybe weren't 100%,but other than that,the movie is entertaining.


Rating : Worth a watch !