Shadow in the cloud

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h23min


Genre : War / Horror


Starring : Chloe Grace Moretz



First of all,great soundtrack !


The action takes place in New Zealand in the 2nd World War .

This woman is getting on board of the plane with what she claims to be a very important package which is not supposed to be opened.

After fighting with her,refusing to take her,the men in charge of the plane put her in this capsule underneath the plane,and she leaves the package with a member of the crew.


The men are very misogynistic ,laughing at her and calling her names.

There’s also this creature which is like a gremlin or big bat, she starts seeing, which is determined to destroy the plane.


There’s a scene in there in which the lead is literally going from one side of the plane to the other to get the package while the plane is flying,getting out of the capsule and holding on to the hole the creature and bullets from enemy planes made in the tin of the plane,scene which I find unrealistic,because it must be impossible to be able to hold on while the plane is flying due to the strong winds,and she was holding on with her hands and feet.


The men in this movie are useless,she’s the one fighting the creature and killing it.


Also,there’s just her alone in the capsule for 50 minutes of the movie,the men appear in the first 4 minutes,then we get to hear them talk,and see them after 57 minutes of the movie or something like it.


The acting was great,Chloe was great,the man who we mostly get to hear not see..I’m not sure though if this is a movie I’d watch again.


The movie is streaming on Netflix and Hulu.


Rating : Could have been a contender !