She devil

Year of release : 1989


Run time : 1h39min


Genre : Dark Comedy


Cast : Meryl Streep, Roseanne Barr



The movie is based on Fay Weldon's novel "The life and loves of a She-Devil ".


Housewife Ruth Patchett ,who is a bit overweight and who doesn't care much about her appearance,has a pretty good-looking husband.


Lately ,she seems to be unable to please him in any way. To make matters worse,he meets the young,lean and stylish romance novelist Mary Fisher,at a party,and she just ceases to exist when those two are around each other.


Soon,is pretty obvious he is cheating with Mary,and Ruth has enough of it. As he leaves her for Mary,the heartbroken wife,concocts a plan to take everything from him,starting with the house,family,career and freedom,so he would feel her pain.

She burns the house down,just to leave the kids with him and Mary,and gets a job at the nursing home Mary's mother is kept.


Soon,she befriends a woman who worked there her whole life,and together,start a company which finds women jobs. The goal is to break Bob and Mary up,but Mary seems to be very in love with him,and forgives his trespassings ,as Bob not only has wondering eyes now,but cheats with as many women as he can.

He's not a good father to his kids,as he leaves them with Mary who becomes their nanny,sort of.


Mary's inspiration is not what it used to be,and writes a book about a housewife-due to her new found love for Bob,and doing house chores,which tanks.


I loved the movie! Meryl Streep plays the other woman who bravely deals with the awful kids of the man she loves.


Rating : It's so money !