Shotgun wedding

Year of release : 2023


Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Comedy / Romance / Action


Cast : Jennifer Lopez, Josh Duhamel, Lenny Kravitz,Jennifer Coolidge



Tom, called 'groomzilla' by the fellow guests at the wedding, planned this perfect wedding in the Philippines, for his wife to be, as he wants her to be happy, and her family -who doesn't quite like him and his family- to like him. Her father goes as far as to invite Darcy's ex fiance to her wedding with Tom! Who makes a big entrance and kinda steals the show.


On their wedding day, they have a big fight, because Tom wanted a big wedding while Darcy didn't,while their guests are being held hostage by pirates!

The pirates ask all the guests to get in the pool, gives them name tags, and asks the father of the bride to give them most of his money. He refuses,until he knows his daughter is safe.


Darcy and Tom, team up and start taking down the pirates, trying to save their guests.


I loved the movie, I laughed with tears most of the time! Even now, thinking of it, I laugh a bit.

The movie is action packed and funny, and JLo and Josh Duhamel make a beautiful couple and good team.


The actors were all good, Lenny Kravitz was a great actor!


The movie is an Amazon Prime Video production and streams on the platform.


Rating : It's so money !