Side effect

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h33min


Genre : Horror



Andrei is desperately trying to find a way to make his wife come back to him. So he finds a witch with a passion for mushrooms. The woman tells him she can help him,by making his wife forget the incident which made her leave him.


Andrei and Olya had a happy marriage,until one day when robbers attempted to r@pe her and Andrei ran away looking for help. The robbers didn't have time to r@pe her,as the police showed up,but Olya miscarried.


In order to cast a spell the witch must see the event. She sees it,and gives Andrei a mushroom. Andrei puts it in a cake and gives it to Olya.

Olya comes back to him.


They move into the beautiful apartment of the witch,as she says she is gonna be away for three months and she needs someone to house sit.

As they do so,Andrei starts having nightmares about horses and a little girl,while his wife starts to forget everything. Including him.


As Andrei starts investigating, he finds out why he dreams of horses and what truly lies behind the locked door of the apartment they aren't allowed to enter.


The movie had great visual effects, a pretty good,unique plot,and beautiful landscapes.


I hated the dubbing (as I couldn't find a version with subtitles), the ones dubbing seemed bored and off,giving some of the worst performances ever,and sounded more like they were narrating than actually being in the heart of events.


I keep on trying to figure out how did the witch's mind work,as while I understand her motives for doing what she did to the men, it doesn't make sense what she did to the women/ victims,it just makes her evil.


Rating : Worth a watch !