
Year of release : 2024


Run time : 1h36min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller


Cast : Elizabeth Banks, Nathan Fillion



The movie is based on what happened to beautician Dawn DaLuise who was arrested and acquitted for a murd3r for hire.


Famous beautician Hope Goldman gives an interview for a famous show,promoting her skin care line. She has a salon,and is known in the entertainment industry,but a new skin care salon opens across the street from her,and she sees this a a sort of sabotage from the man she rents the place (by the way,she doesn't pay her rent,she always hides from him).


After talking to the owner of the new salon, who seems to be attracting all of her old clients, who tells her not to park in her usual spot, she thinks the owner of this new salon,Angel, is trying to ruin her name and business, as men come to see her, saying she posted ads online she needed a man!


Her friends and clients call her asking her about the mail she sent them,in which 'she' goes on a rant about being in debt and needing a man (I cleaned up the language a little bit)!

She then discovers sites online in which someone posing as her is asking for s3xual favors! It even has her address listed ! This leads Hope to lose her clients, who flock to Angel's salon.


Hope starts receiving messages with a video of her in the store,and she confides in her younger friend, Jordan, and a man who fixes her car when she has car trouble.

They both offer to help her, but one of them might have nefarious intentions.


The movie was intriguing, and it's a lot like what happens in real life, when we confide in a friend,thinking they have our best interest at heart,while they're the one creating the problem in the first place!


I found the characters unlikeable,starting with Hope, who wants help from everyone,but is not willing to put any effort into the relationship, be friends with the ones who help her..she's dismissive,in my opinion.

The clients,who flock to the next best thing the moment it appears.


The tv personalities, who air her rival's interview instead of hers (because of the mail and ads scandal,and Angel being a rising star), and when she is taken by the police,air her interview,for fame,money and ratings! It was so disgusting!


Jordan, who pretends to be her friend SPOILERS but he's the one destroying her reputation and ruining her business,because he loves her!! WTF?!


The actors were good. Elizabeth Banks was probably the best, because her character is slowly losing it, having all these things happening to her, while trying to stay afloat, saving her business,trying to find out who's doing this to her and why,losing it in front of clients who leave her for Angel,having to deal with the police who say they can't help her,trying to save face to people who think her crazy.


The soundtrack was good.


The movie takes place in a span of two weeks,and opens with the end.


Skin care is streaming for free on AppleTv+, and is for rent / sale on Amazon, AppleTv, and in cinemas,you can buy tickets from Fandango.


Rating : Worth a watch !