Sleeping beauty

Year of release : 1959


Run time : 1h15min


Genre : Animation / Musical / Fantasy



The animation is adapted from the 1528 French fairy tale 'Sleeping Beauty' ,about a princess cursed by an evil fairy to sleep for a 100 years until she'll be awakened by a prince; and by the 'The Sleeping Beauty' ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, his Opus 66, completed in 1889.


In a far away kingdom lived a king and queen who wanted a child. Finally,their wish came true, as they had a daughter, whom they named Aurora,after the dawn,for she brought sunshine in their lives.


They proclaimed a great holiday so everyone could celebrate her.


At the celebration came the king and son of the kingdom bordering theirs,as the two kings hoped their kingdoms will unite one day through the marriage of their children.


The 3 good fairies were invited too, and bestowed gifts on the princess. Just when Merryweather is about to bestow her gift, Maleficent makes an appearance, cursing the princess to die pricking her finger in the spindle of a spinning wheel,when she turns 16.


Merryweather finally bestows her wish on the princess so she would only be sleeping until true love's kiss will awaken her.


The fairies talk that very same night, and decide to disguise themselves as peasant women and raise Aurora as her own, to avoid the curse from happening.


16 years later, Aurora lives in a cottage in the forest with the 3 fairies,not knowing who she really is. They send her out,so they could bake her a cake and make her a dress,planning to tell her the truth.


Maleficent is worried she won't be able to fulfill her curse,as she can't find Aurora anywhere. She sends her crow to find her,as her army of goons looked for a baby for 16 years!

The crow is in luck,as the fairies decide to get their wands out and battle out,which color the dress should be!


On that very day, singing in the forest, prince Phillip hears her,and bewitched by her voice, he follows it. They meet,and fall in love.


When she gets home, the fairies disguised as her aunts tell her she can't see the boy she met because she is a princess,and she is to marry Prince Phillip.

They leave for the castle,and there, Maleficent catches Aurora alone,bewitching her to do her bidding.


Although the fairies try to stop her, they find her too late,and decide to put a spell on the gathering awaiting for her return until she'll awake again.


This was one of my favorite animations growing up,Maleficent was my favorite (she's not anymore).


The animation is in the old fashion Disney style, of cel animation, combined with the European storybook realism art style,which I love.


The voice actors were great,you can feel or hear their happiness in their voice,and so on.


The animation doesn't have that many songs, but the ones in the movie are classical music,and are not bad,as the singers have beautiful voices,and the songs sound so out of time.

The soundtrack was good,I liked the Maleficent music,so eerie,so perfect!


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : Worth a watch !