Snow White - A tale of terror

Year of release : 1997


Run time : 1h41min


Genre : Fantasy / Horror


Cast : Sigourney Weaver, Monica Keena, Sam Neill, Gil Bellows, David Conrad



While in their carriage,riding home,the married Hoffman couple are attacked by a pack of wolves. The wife dies but the husband saves the baby which was being born.


Nine years later,the little girl,wearing her mother's name, Lilliana,is not pleased when hearing her father decided to marry another woman. So,she gives her the cold shoulder,and acts up at their wedding when she has to give them her blessing.


Nine more years later Lilliana's attitude towards Claudia didn't change. This time,as Claudia loses the baby she wanted so much,she goes insane,and due to a poorly worded apology from Lilliana,she thinks Lilliana is responsible for her misfortune,so she decides to k!ll her at all costs.


This is one of the movies I loved growing up,but watching it again,I didn't like it that much. I personally never liked Lilliana,as she never gave Claudia a chance. It wasn't like Claudia stole her father away from her mother! The man waited 9 years to remarry! Claudia was nothing but kind to her,she even says to her brother when she moves into the Hoffman house that she loves her husband.




On the wedding day we see this beautifully crafted mirror closet Claudia brings with her,one of the things remaining from her mother,opens up and kills the governess,while looking for Lilliana who hid in Claudia's room. This is never explained.


Later on,as Claudia descends into madness,as the child she wanted so much dies,we see the mirror talking to her,telling her what to do and how.


The prince played by David Conrad,one of my favorites,is a weak character,he is supposed to marry Lilliana but she's 18 and he must be around 30 since he's also Claudia's doctor. I know back then teenagers married old men,but still.


Lilliana ends up with one of the 7,this time not dwarfs,but outcasts from society,who saves her,Will.


The acting was good,the movie is based on Snow White's tale but much darker,is a horror movie.

I personally never understood the Snow White drivel "raven hair,pale snow like skin and red lips"do you know how that really looks like? Like a ghost,a zombie of sorts.


The movie is streaming on The Roku Channel, and is for rent or sale on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, DirecTv, Google Play, Microsoft Store, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !