Space cadet

Year of release : 2024


Run time : 1h51min


Genre : Comedy?


Cast : Emma Roberts, Tom Hopper, Gabrielle Union



Tiffany,nicknamed Rex,because she liked the T-Rex(so dumb!), has always dreamt of going to space, dream fuelled also by her mother who died when she was a kid.

At her high school 10 year reunion, she realizes she didn't do anything with her life, most definitely didn't achieve her dream of becoming an astronaut,as, after her mother died, she stayed home to take care of her father,helping him with his ghost business,and being a bartender,not going to college.


So,she decides to enlist into the NASA astronaut programme,even after she reads she needs a lot of degrees in fields she never studied, and thousands of hours of flying jets!

She writes a ridiculous letter to NASA,which she sends to her friend for spellcheck. Her friend thinks it's awful,so she writes her a real application.


When interviewed by NASA,she is out of her league, but accepted, and doesn't quit, somehow managing to stay afloat,while deserving people are thrown out. She befriends a woman who is a writer, and I guess is what they call and have today as a 'diversity hire'(as she doesn't have the necessary skills and training to go to space), who helps her with the studying, while she helps her with the sports part .


Somehow, although out of her league,she manages to always figure out everything, and pass to the next test.


Her friend, she listed as all the doctors she worked with, is called over and over by one of the scientists of NASA (and a potential love interest for the lead), and she keeps on pretending to be different people,to help her out.


The movie annoyed me, seeing how the lead had no background in the field, didn't even finish the training (she had 8 months left when she was found out and thrown out!),but she went to space to save the crew, with another cadet (a chick flick writer!!!) who was let go before her, so who had less training than her!!!

There's also a scene before them going to space,in which she and the rest of the world are listening and watching the space mission on the radio / big screens of the streets of New York, which we know,that only happens in movies, not in real life. In real life, the missions are only on the NASA site.

I can only suspend my disbelief for so long!

At that point I just zoomed out, and started checking my phone!


I don't know what this movie is supposed to be, I keep on thinking it was supposed to be a comedy, but it didn't make me laugh.


The movie reminded me a lot of Legally Blonde,but didn't match it.

Gabrielle Union's character was annoying, saying she doesn't want skilled people at NASA,because why would anyone?! Also, she used to be a good actress,but she was awful in this movie!


The only thing I liked about it was Tom Hopper,who was hot.


The acting was so and so, bad from Gabrielle Union.


The visual effects were good.


The soundtrack was fine.


The movie is an Amazon Prime Video production, and can be found on the platform.


Rating : From one to two, 'The horror' meets 'Could have been a contender'!