Space sweepers

Language : Korean


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h17 min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Space Opera



This movie has great visual effects, fight scenes, the heart of the story...good soundtrack..but for some unknown reason ,bored me.


In the future, 2092, to be more exact,a billionaire has colonized Mars,turning it into a green planet,looking much like earth.


The earth is dying and the billionaire selects the people going to Mars based on how good he thinks them to be. Problem is,he's not so good himself,he's 157 years old,and he must suffer from some disease due to the fact whenever he gets angry his veins show like in zombie movies.


After literally snatching an old and crashed space shuttle from the debris of space,the crew of the spaceship Victory find a little girl inside. Based on what they see on the news,they think her to be a robot which can explode on command and kill everything in sight.


The acting was good, the actors were appealing, so people have what to look at,the movie is multi language,you can hear Russian, German..


The movie has a heart through the French guy being in love with the captain of the ship, Jang,the other lead, Tae-Ho, having lost his adoptive daughter whom he loved very much ( he found her on a mission having to k!ll the people there,including her mother,and he took her,loving her like a daughter,literally considering her his daughter), in a blast; and the little girl changing the lives of all the crew members of Victory,one of them being a robot,all of them getting attached to her,considering her their own,becoming her extended family.


Fun fact : on google it said the budget of the movie was 24 Billion,with a B!!? And it shows,the movie is on the Hollywood level .


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : ? !