Speak no evil

Language : English / Danish / Dutch


Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Thriller / Horror



While on vacation in Tuscany, Danish couple, Bjorn and Louise, with daughter Agnes, befriend Dutch couple, Patrick and Karin,with son Abel.


Back to Denmark, the couple receive a postcard from the Dutch couple who invite them to their country house in The Netherlands.

Bjorn wants to go, but Louise says they don't know them that well. In the end,they go,after some friends they have dinner with,tell them they should go, because it would be rude to refuse (so dumb!).


Once they get there, they put their daughter in a room with their son, giving her a sort of cushion to sleep on,on the floor,calling it "a little bed". So far they see no problem.

After, they ask Louise, who's a vegetarian, to try their wild boar roast.

At night, their daughter sleeps with them, and on daylight they visit the sights. There's a minor incident, as Agnes wants to slide on the slide, but Abel sits at the bottom of it.


Louise doesn't like them, but Bjorn sees no problem with them. Nevertheless, they are invited to dinner, and when they want to take their daughter, they find out it's just them without the kids, and once they have dinner, although invited , they end up paying for it! On their way back, Patrick turns the music very loud,pretending to be drunk.


Back to these people's place, one of them enters the bathroom, brushing their teeth, while Louise is taking a shower! When she comes out, although scared,she doesn't tell her husband, and starts having s3x with him,while their daughter calls them!! (these scenes were so effed up on so many levels ! I don't know how could she get in the mood after what she experienced (she initiated it!), first of all, and second, her daughter was by the door, and again,how is she still in the mood?!But I guess she was in the zone, and her pleasure was more important! Also, they lied naked in other people's bed!)


She wakes up,and finds her daughter in bed with the other couple,while Patrick was sleeping naked!

They pack their bags and leave, without her telling her husband what's wrong.

Their daughter can't find her bunny, but she doesn't have a fit like in the remake, but the father goes back for it (I guess he didn't really want to leave), and they stay!


After this, the men bond, while screaming at the land, and go back home,cooking dinner! This is when things start falling apart,as Karin starts telling Agnes how to act at the table (to be honest I was wondering in what language did she talk to the kid, because they were from different countries and talked in English to each other. She said something to her in a foreign language. Is Dutch just like Danish?! ) This is when Louise tells Karin to stop telling her daughter what to do. And things slowly start to unravel from here. They get upset, especially Louise, but they still don't leave! (SPOILER Patrick gets mad Abel can't dance, and has a fit, while his wife is on his side, looking at the child with spite)


The movie, a bit shorter than the American one, didn't seem as long and boring as the remake. I didn't find the awkward moments as awkward, they didn't give me second hand embarrassment,like the remake. The original worked where the remake failed, but I have to admit, I liked the ending of the remake, because the original has such a bleak one!

The original doesn't have a weak man for a lead, like the remake, but he still fails to protect his family.

In the remake, the female psycho doesn't seem psycho all the way,like the man,it gives you the feeling she's not all evil,maybe she's doing this for the man she loves (like in the 2009 movie 'A perfect getaway' ), but in the original,she's as evil as he is, it actually seems that she's even worse than him,because of the cold,mean look she has on her face all the time, even when kids are involved ( SPOILER she's the one cutting the kid's tongue) . Speaking of the kids,these people are monsters, the adults have it easy, SPOILERS it's the kids who have it worse, they get to live for a while with these psychos, being tortured mentally and physically by them, to be dr0wned in the end!

Also, did the kid even understand them, considering she was from a different country?!


What I found amazing was the inability of the Danish couple to fight back. Most of the things they do are ridiculous! Nobody has such little disregard for their safety! They had so many reasons and opportunities to leave,and yet still stayed!

I've never seen such weak characters ( and I grew up watching a lot of horror,serial k1ller movies!),who don't fight for their survival until their last breath!

There's also a disconnect between them (although there's no cheating incident like in the remake), as they don't talk to each other (SPOILERS Louise doesn't tell Bjorn about the bathroom incident, and Bjorn doesn't tell her about what he saw in their shed and in their pool!! So Louise calls them, after they leave, to come get them,while they were running from them!!! WTF?!).

When they know they're gonna k1ll them, after they take their daughter (SPOILER they cut her tongue in front of them, and after, as they drive them to their death, they remain frozen, and don't put up a fight at all,although they are not tied up!!! These psychos / criminals point nothing at them,no knife, no gun,nothing!!! And they just do what they say,blindly! And these people look like they're in their 40's! )

When they took their daughter, they had nothing to lose, they could have tried to fight them,the man could have pulled the wheel, cause an accident, k1ll the psychos,and try to find their daughter! But no, they just sat there, traumatized!


At the end, when they ask 'why are you doing this', I already had the answer, as it was so obvious! Because you let them!!! You never left! And when you did,twice, you came back, right away! No matter what they did, you kept on asking for more! I've never seen such a thing before! It was like these people did all these things to get rid of them, but they wouldn't effing leave (in real life, when people act like the psycho couple, is so you'd get the hint and leave!)!!


The movie had beautiful landscapes. Even the country house was beautiful.


The actors were good.


The movie had a beautiful, haunting, ominous soundtrack,creating an atmospheric movie.


Viewer discretion is advised, as the movie contains nudity.


The movie is 7 days free on AMC+, AMC+ on Amazon Prime, AMC+ on AppleTv, Shudder, Shudder on AppleTv+ Originals, AppleTv+, for free on Hoopla, and for rent /sale on Amazon Prime, AppleTv.


Rating : Worth a watch !