Spider-Man : No way home

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h28min


Genre : Action / Sci Fi / Comic


Cast : Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire, Zendaya, Andrew Garfield, Marisa Tomei, Willem Dafoe, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jamie Foxx, Alfred Molina, Thomas Haden Church, Jon Favreau, J.K. Simmons



The movie starts with Mysterio revealing to the world who Spider-Man is. This makes everyone,from the tv stations and journalists to complete strangers, follow Peter around, taking pictures of him.

One of his teachers even built him a shrine of sorts at school,as he liked him. Speaking of which,not many people like him, considering him responsible for Mysterio's death. He is so disliked, that he - and his friends- are rejected from the colleges they applied to!


Desperate,he goes to Doctor Strange and asks him to put a spell on the whole world to forget who he is. Doctor Strange starts making the spell, but Peter keeps on asking him to allow certain people like M.J. , his best friend and aunt May know who he is.

Doctor Strange keeps changing the spell until the spell backfires,and he has to stop casting it and contain it.


Back to his daily problems,he realizes that many villains come through,looking for Peter Parker ,but not recognizing him,as he doesn't recognize them either.


Turns out the spell disrupted the flow of the multiverse and brought into our world all the people who knew who Spider-Man was! They were brought in from different timelines,at the moment they were fighting Spider-Man and losing!


Doctor Strange wants to send them back to their timeline to meet their faith,but Spider-Man wants to cure them. I have to say I was on Doctor's Strange's side as these are villains and also very unstable mentally,and all this backfired,like we knew it would,and made an even bigger mess of things.


I loved the fight as they traveled through Doctor Strange's mirror world, it looked like Inception.


Although I don't like it when characters make stupid ridiculous decisions (once they lose my interest and don't agree with their actions and way of seeing things,I just get angry at everything they do,and want to stop watching. Everything bad happening in the movie is due to Peter's poor decision,he is to blame for all the death and destruction around him,and I can't sympathize with such people

-which apparently is what happened the first time I watched this movie and gave it a 3 star rating.Apparently I also thought it to be too long,which this time didn't bother me.15 minutes of the movie are just the credits,and in the credits there's also a scene from Venom,and the trailer for that mess, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness ), this time the movie kept me watching.


The movie was funny, the actors great, it had great action scenes and visual effects. I liked seeing 'my Spider Man', Tobey Maguire(as that was the Spider Man I grew up with),although I was never a Spider Man fan. I didn't watch 'The amazing Spider-Man', but  Andrew Garfield seemed fun and funny,although he cried a lot.

I didn't understand the numerotation of the Spider Men,as it should have been the 1st or the 3d,Tobey Maguire,depending on how you start counting,from the beginning or the end,Tom Holland being the last Spider Man.


Rating : Worth a watch !,leaning towards, It's so money!