
Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Haley Bennett



I don't know why is labeled as thriller / horror as the movie felt like a drama to me.


Hunter is not happy. She's home all day long,getting bored. She doesn't have any friends,her husband doesn't pay attention to her when he's home,he's always texting,even in bed.

Hunter is a very sad and lonely woman.


She reads in a book that she should do something unexpected daily. So she starts swallowing things,including sharp objects. She starts with a small ball,then a tack,then a battery!


She finds out she's pregnant.


Nobody listens to her in a conversation,so she has no one to talk to. Her mother in law gives her this book about pregnancy.


Her makeup looks all wrong like she put too much blush on.


She's finally found about at the gynecologist when they do an ultrasound. They find many things inside her.

They take her to therapy and give her a nurse to help her daily around the house,meaning,make sure she doesn't swallow anything.

Hunter doesn't do anything all day just cook,now they gave her a babysitter. I think she just needs a friend,love ,care and attention.

Hunter finds her stash of things to swallow(under the toilet) and starts all over again.


Things get even sadder as we find out her mother was r@ped and she was the result .She carries a pic of her father,the r@pist.

The shrink tells her husband about the r@pe.

The husband tells his friends and colleagues about her problem.


It seems that nobody really cares, they don't want to deal with her problems. It seems that nobody understands her nor wants to.


She wants to visit her mother,but her mother tells her her sister with her baby are there,and there's just no room,it's too crowded.


Hunter goes looking for her father and he's the only one who listens to her and offers her closure.


It felt like those around her didn't understand her nor wanted to,they didn't care nor had the patience.

I think she just needed someone to tell her she's not her father - like he said to her. And the past is not her fault.


The movie is streaming on Amazon Digital, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, DIRECTV, Google Play, Spectrum, Vudu, Xbox, Xfinity.


Rating : To be honest the movie bored me,so I'm gonna give it a Could have been a contender !