
Year of release : 2004


Run time : 1h44min


Genre : Comedy / Action


Cast : Jimmy Fallon, Queen Latifah, Jennifer Esposito, Gisele Bundchen



A police office who doesn't excel at his job,quite the opposite,he keeps on ending up in trouble,leaving the precinct to pay for the damages,gets caught in a cat and mouse game with a group of bank robbers.


As he is demoted from his job,after an undercover job gone awry,he forces a taxi driver to take him to a bank robbery and follow the robbers.


The taxi driver seems to have more detective skills than he does,and with her help they manage to find the robbers.

Also, Andy can't drive. While the taxi driver loves cars and speed and dreams to drive into the Nascar races.


I personally loved this movie,it's one of my favorites,always makes me laugh with tears. I think Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon are great together,make a great team. I loved how the characters connected and became friends.


Most of the actors are giving their best. The ones who don't are the robbers,starting with their chief,Gisele Bundchen.


Taxi is on Amazon Instant Video, Amazon Prime Video, AMC on Demand, Apple iTunes, DIRECTV, Google Play, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money !