Tenet 2020

Run time : 2h30min


Genre : Thriller / Action



The protagonist finds out that objects can be manipulated and turned into weapons in the future and sent into our past,being able to even destroy the world.


I watched this movie twice and instead of actually loving it, I ended up hating it. I didn't like it, and I'm gonna leave it to that.


Chistopher Nolan is one of my favorites, I loved Inception and Interstellar, even Memento, but not this. To me it made less sense after the second viewing than it did after the first one.


The movie doesn't have the glue which keeps it together, doesn't have the love factor, doesn't give us any information about the leading characters except for the woman who towers over everyone, this woman who reminds me of a stork. The protagonist doesn't even have a name, that's how we know him as.


I loved the soundtrack, it was amazing. I liked the reverted scenes,but at the second watch they just bored me.


Tenet is streaming on HBO Max, HBO Now, Spectrum on Demand,and is for rent or buy on the usual channels,Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, DIRECTV, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Redbox, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender !