The 18th angel

Year of release : 1997


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Supernatural Horror / Thriller


Cast : Rachael Leigh Cook, Christopher McDonald, Stanley Tucci



The movie is called "The 18th angel",because that's how the satanists referred to the beautiful children,angels, and the 18th,because she was their 18th victim.


The movie is about a cult who's worshiping Lucifer ,and who's doing its best to see him reincarnated, as their doom's day,astronomical clock foresees,as they believe its purpose is to announce to the world the day of Lucifer's return.

The cult leader has this obsession to bring Lucifer back but not as a beast but as beauty,so he looks for beautiful children,whom they kill and then take their face to put it on their human cloning experiments.


The movie starts when Lucy's mom has an interview with a cult leader,just that she thinks him to be a normal priest. She had to take her daughter with her,and the cult leader calls her "an angel". The cult members cast a spell on her mother and make her kill herself.


Lucy's dream was to become a model,so the cult leader preys on this, pulling the strings from behind the scenes for everything to fall into place the way he wanted to,finding her a photographer for a magazine and a manager to contact her ,who actually work for him.


They want to take her with them to Italy,but the father refuses to let her go by herself ( she is 14),so,they find him a job too,in Italy,so he'd agree to take her to Italy.


Weird things start happening,and everything starts going from worse to worst.


This is a movie I actually loved,when I first watched it,back in 2002. Now, rewatching it,I honestly hated it,as it bored me,and I found it stupid.


For those interested,the YouTube link to the full movie,here :


Rating : Could have been a contender !